The 8 best tips to prepare the body for pregnancy

Tips to prepare the body for pregnancy

This post is addressed to you, a woman of 20, 30, 40 (or whatever) years, who have decided that it is time to have children and want to get pregnant. Going through this process is not an easy task for the body. So how to prepare the body for pregnancy?

Many changes take place during pregnancy, and although it is not usually explained, labor is more likely to go well if you are in better shape, so the sooner and better you prepare your body, the more bearable and healthy it will be.

Tips for pregnancy (and for life)

The first thing I want to tell you is that this preparation for pregnancy, these tips that I am going to offer you below, are not exclusive to pregnancy. In reality, they are valid for everyone, and for different moments of life, because everyone should do a minimum of exercise to keep their bodies fit and feel good.

From there, we start from the idea that lately, you have not done much sport, that your day-to-day dynamics have hardly allowed you to, but that you want to start doing something before seeing the positive in the pregnancy test. What can you do?

How To Prepare The Body For Pregnancy: Do Not Go Crazy

Sometimes the simplest things are the key to improvement. There is no need to make up for lost time or try to do in a week what you should do in a month. Start to play sports until exhaustion, the only thing that can bring you is an injury and you give up almost before you start.


Try to slowly increase the amount of time you walk throughout the day. You will exercise your legs and during pregnancy, it will be easier for you to continue walking if you have already acquired it as a habit.

Correct Postures Of Your Day To Day

Many pregnant women complain of lower back problems and sciatica during pregnancy. If you spend a little time looking at your posture in a mirror, it will be easier for you to correct yourself when you pick up a bad habit during the nine months it lasts.

Think that your body is going to change, and your center of gravity is going to move forward. This makes your lower back work much more, and even the body compensates by taking all the weight back. Learn to position yourself well in your work and in your daily activities and everything will be easier later.

Strengthen Your Body

To prepare the body for pregnancy it is important to strengthen our physique. If you have already managed to establish a good posture, you can start working on arm strength with weights or elastic bands, and leg strength with some exercise such as squats or strides.

Visit Your Physical Therapist

Although it is in fifth place, it is probably the most important point of all: it works your abdomen and your pelvic floor. Make an appointment with a pelvic floor physiotherapist to evaluate your condition and make the pertinent recommendations that may be useful to you. Hypopressive exercises and Pilates exercises could be of great help to be well and above all to recover better. Spending an hour or two a week on this isn’t much either, is it?

If You Don’t Already Do It, Start Eating Healthy

You’ve probably heard that pregnant women shouldn’t eat this or that and there’s a reason for it, there are certain foods that you should avoid during pregnancy. Do not be obsessed, but if you start to acquire a Mediterranean diet (vegetables, fruits, legumes, olive oil, etc.) the risk of suffering from diseases associated with pregnancy will decrease (for example, gestational diabetes ), the fetus will enjoy better health (remember that it feeds on what you eat) and you can also control the kilos you gain.

Avoid Alcohol And Tobacco

It has been seen that even small amounts of alcohol can alter the embryo or fetus during pregnancy, so it may be advisable to limit your intake if you are in the process of becoming pregnant, or even adopt the advice “zero alcohol in pregnancy”. If you also want to establish breastfeeding from birth, alcohol intake is not recommended during that stage.

Something similar happens with tobacco. It is not recommended to smoke during pregnancy, and it is not recommended to smoke once the baby is born. Tobacco increases the risk of the sudden death of the baby and of suffering otitis, conjunctivitis, allergies, asthma, and other respiratory infections. If your partner smokes, you should also try to quit for the same reasons, and so as not to turn children into passive or “third-hand” smokers.

Enjoy The Process

Getting pregnant is not always easy, there are couples who get it the first time and others who take years… stress is not a good ally, so relax and enjoy the journey. If you need the information to prepare yourself as well as possible for this new stage of your life, the entire team of professionals from Criar con Sentido ComĂșn awaits you at the CSC Tribe to accompany you, support you, and advise you before, during, and after your pregnancy and also in raising your children.

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